Best Esthetician Schools in North Carolina in 2024


If you want to become an Esthetician, North Carolina can be a great place to start. Esthetician Schools in North Carolina are developing rapidly, and the average salary of cosmetologists in the state is higher than the national average.

In North Carolina, there are pretty strict laws regarding training hours, but they consist of at least 600 hours under an accredited program, where you will study on both mannequins and live models. 


You will learn skin care and hair styling, which include hair removal, eyebrow and eyelash dyeing, and eyebrow curling in the Esthetician schools in NC. 

Your course will also cover applying and removing makeup and sanitation and safety rules.


Can You Become an Esthetician Without Going to School?

The first step to becoming an esthetician or cosmetologist is to record and complete a cosmetology program. 

Your curriculum will vary by school and location, but the program should prepare you for all licensing exams in your state and meet the requirements for hours of study in your state.

Knowing why training and certification are so necessary for this career is essential. Beauticians perform a variety of procedures related to hair and skin. 


Although the beautician is not a doctor, you perform some intensive skin treatments that require special knowledge.

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How Long are Esthetician Schools in North Carolina?

The average esthetician program in NC takes 1400-1600 hours and can take two years. On the other hand, cosmetologists are specialists whose targeted training lasts an average of 650 hours over six months.

Training Hours track the time you spend training a cosmetologist in a beauty program. 

The combination of academic coursework and practical training, the hours you spend studying, will prepare you not only to meet your state’s licensing requirements but also to work competently and confidently as an esthetician in this field.

At least a dozen states are waiving the requirement for study hours for students participating in study programs.  Internships are mutually beneficial relationships that connect students with masters/teachers. 

In such an organization, you will learn by working in a natural environment with real clients under the supervision and guidance of a qualified, licensed cosmetologist. The beautician benefits from an additional set of hands without hiring a new employee.

ALSO CHECK: Best Esthetician Schools Online; Courses, Classes And Certification

How to Become an Esthetician in NC

Formal training and education to become an esthetician in NC can occur in public colleges, cosmetology schools, technical institutes, or esthetician schools in North Carolina. 

Certificate programs typically take only one or two semesters. The number of contact and classroom hours depends on the program and state licensing requirements. 

The certificate program includes courses in various aspects of health and safety, as well as various types of services, including body polishing, self-tanning, and make-up.

In addition, beginners in aesthetics can obtain a degree in cosmetology with an emphasis on aesthetics.  Schools of medical cosmetology usually offer courses that study skin diseases, hair removal, and nutrition. 

Most programs also require students to practice in salons.  Under the supervision of licensed specialists, students receive clinical practice with massage techniques, skin analysis, and product application.

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What are the Esthetician Jobs in North Carolina?

North Carolina has many resorts and salons that employ skin care professionals. Many plastic surgery and spa clinics exist, especially in the Raleigh area.  Look for a job here.

After the first three years, you may be eligible to become an Aesthetics Instructor. It requires an additional 650 hours of study, and you will need to take an additional exam and apply for a license, but it increases your industry profile and salary!

What are the Best Esthetician Schools in North Carolina?

#1 Alexander Paul Institute of Hair Design – Greenville

Alexander Paul is the only school on the list with 100 percent employment. Graduates are in demand after completing a program that develops creativity and achievement. 

Of course, their hard-working employment department also helps! Business skills lessons help to complete the preparation of students for real salon practices. 

The school also has a strong tradition of community involvement. Graduates usually finish the program on time, although they may find it difficult to leave the salon’s clean, colorful, the modern floor where they train. 

The school accepts veterans’ benefits to help cover tuition costs.


#2 Aveda Institute – Chapel Hill

The Aveda Institute operates a national network of schools and salons that often earn awards, but no more than the Chapel Hill branch! Aveda Chapel Hill includes a select cutting and business skills training system in its curriculum. 

The fashion salon and classroom space give students an experience, and the practice of helping students find work elsewhere, Aveda helps increase employment to 91 percent! 

Aveda is a community-oriented business that donates to local charities and contributes to Earth-Moon education and fundraising. The school offers scholarships and accepts G.I. 

Paying bills to cover tuition costs is a combination that also ensures that graduates carry very little debt on loans in the real world.


#3 Durham Beauty Academy – Durham

Durham Beauty Academy is proud of its well-organized curriculum. The Dedicated Careers Section places 88 percent of graduates in positions immediately after graduation. 

The school is also proud of its active involvement in the local community. Scholarships are offered to worthy students, and VA benefits are accepted.


#4 Leon’s Beauty School – Greensboro

Leon’s is the cheapest school in the state, making it instantly recognized as a value. 

But it also boasts a high level of timely completion and offers students additional training in business skills and first-class cosmetology skills training. 

Thus, 84 percent of graduates can expect to find a job immediately through the employment service. Leon also has a heart, recently supporting the North Carolina Epilepsy Foundation. VA benefits are accepted.


#5 Pinnacle Institute of Cosmetology – Mooresville

Pinnacle Institute seeks to provide a comprehensive education in the salon industry.  In addition to the latest styling and haircut techniques, Pinnacle teaches all students business skills. 

Diligent internships help students find jobs after graduation, leading to an 80 percent employment rate. Students usually complete their studies on time and with small loan arrears. 

Several scholarship opportunities are available for prospective students.


What are the Best Esthetician Schools in Raleigh NC?

#6 Mitchell’s Hairstyling Academy – Raleigh

Not to be confused with Paul Mitchell, Mitchell Hairdressing Academy is part of a small public network of schools that have become a tradition in the state. 

The Raleigh branch is a special find for budget-oriented students, with lower-than-average tuition rates but above-average completion rates. 

The career services section helps with employment. Students graduate with very little debt.  Through in-depth business skills training, Mitchell’s helps teach students how to win in the industry.


#7 Sherrill’s University of Barbering & Hairstyling – Raleigh

Sherryl is one of the best esthetician schools in Raleigh, NC has a 95 percent employment rate, making it a good choice for students serious about finding a job in the industry. 

They should also be serious about graduating on time: the school has a 100 percent early completion rate. 

The school’s employment services are specialized and comprehensive, guiding at every stage of the application process. 

The purpose of the school is to provide all students with training on various equipment.  Scholarships are available, and the school accepts G.I. Benefits on accounts.



If you are interested in learning the secrets of keeping your skin beautiful, healthy, and radiant, think about a career as an esthetician. 

North Carolina offers many opportunities for success, as Virginia Beach and Asheville are among the top 10 highest-paid metropolitan areas for skin care professionals in the United States!

Raleigh and Greensboro have the highest employment of cosmetologists in the state. The role is even home to salons such as the Aqua Salon Spa, the first clean water salon in North Carolina. 

As a salon with the concept of clean water, the salon is dedicated to the use of only environmentally friendly water and products without chemicals.

If you are ready to use methods that awaken the skin’s natural beauty, you need to start by obtaining a license from a beautician through the Council of Experts in Cosmetic Arts of North Carolina.

Esthetician Schools in North Carolina FAQs

What Does it Take to Be a Licensed Esthetician In North Carolina?

To become a licensed skincare professional in North Carolina, you must complete a licensed aesthetics program comprising 600 hours of training and successfully pass a written practical exam to obtain a cosmetology license.

Are Cosmetologists and Estheticians The Same?

Although some believe that cosmetologists and aesthetics are synonymous, the two specialties differ. While cosmetologists focus more on “surface” procedures, such as haircuts and coloring, aesthetics work more deeply on the skin. However, many cosmetologists provide makeup as part of their aesthetic consulting services.

Are Dermatologist and Estheticians the Same?

As an esthetician, you are not licensed to act as a dermatologist. However, you spend time studying skin diseases and disorders. Many clients seek the help of qualified cosmetologists before turning to dermatologists simply because they are looking for inexpensive local solutions.

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